Thursday, December 30, 2010

What its all about....

Its kinda like duct tape...1 product with 252 different uses!  In order to decorate on a dime for each season or holiday you must create and recreate and re-recreate and on and on.  One simple red item can be jazzed up for Christmas and changed slightly for winter and reused again for Valentines Day.  Who knows we may even reinvent it for July 4th!!  It is an awesome feeling when the seasonal mantel decor you have created looks as if you have blown the budget at Pottery Barn!  Not may have studied their ads or web page, but certainly we didn't have a shopping spree...just a good hard look at what we have.  With a large dose of vision and creativity, you CAN decorate your home beautifully each season or holiday.   As a homemaker, we are called to wear many hats, play many roles.  Why not ask the same of our "stuff"!?  Make it work for us again and again.  So, follow me and I will show you how decorating on a dime can be easy, fun and so rewarding.  I promise not to decorate with duct tape...well, probably not.

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