Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why the chic in a POLKA DOT skirt??

Because I am totally feeling the polka dot love these days!  I am not sure if it is a trend found only in the South right now...I hope not because I think it is super cute!  Anyway, I was inspired to make a wreath for winter that I could adapt slightly for V-tines Day.  I hit Micheals and found a ton of great ribbon 70% off!  Now, this was holiday inspired ribbon, but unless it has Santa Claus or Christmas trees speckled, green, gold, silver and white ribbon is fair game for all the time decorating!!   As other colors are becoming more "trendy" for the holidays such as bright pink, purple and aqua, I was able to score several of those great colors as well.  I chose an intial for our last name and adored it with small circles cut from construction paper and glued on.  I sprayed clear protector on it for added protection.  I used seasonal bobbles that were more wintry than x-masy (all clearanced) and I can simply add a few hearts or sparkly heart garland (Dollar Tree stuff) closer to V-tines Day. Its a whimsical and fun wreath that is perfect for the remainder of winter until I am ready to change it to spring decor!

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